A Database-Linked Diagram Editor for Biological Concepts

Bohua Yu; Manhong Dai; Stanley J. Watson; Fan Meng
Proceedings of The 2005 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences. 2005:281-286.


While significant efforts have been devoted to the development of sophisticated search engines for a wide variety of data sources, how to record and share knowledge derived from data retrieved by search engines is still a major challenge. In this article, we discuss the problem of the lack of visual representations of data and concepts in current search engines. We then present a conceptual relationship diagramming system we have created to deal this problem. Compare to existing diagramming/drawing tools, our solution enables the sharing and modification of conceptual diagrams by researchers in different geographic locations. We believe such a system will expedite extraction and sharing of knowledge and ideas from various data sources. BCDE application can be downloaded at http://arrayanalysis.mhri.med.umich.edu/draw/BCDEditor_windows_beta.exe. BCDE applet and the BCDE database can both be accessed at http://arrayanalysis.mhri.med.umich.edu/draw/. Please use public/public as username/password to login to the network.
